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Cavender Road Public Hearing 02/26/09
Town of Greenfield
Cavender Road Public Hearing
Thursday – February 26, 2009 – 6:30 pm

The hearing was called to Order at 6:30 pm

Present:  Selectman Adams; Selectwoman Day; Chairman Kullgren

Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes

Several residents from Cavender Road were present, all of which signed in to the hearing

Cavender Road resident, Dr. Khowe explained his reasoning for the petition is to reduce the speed limit on Cavender Road.  He expressed concerns that someone will be seriously injured if something isn’t done.

Greenfield Highway Heavy Equipment Operator/Truck Driver Joe Ellis spoke to the safety and that in the past when signs have been installed, they have been stolen

Cavender Road resident, David Knowlton spoke to the stop sign that the sign might as well not even be there, as no one stops.

Bennington Road resident, George Rainier asked that if the speed limit is changed, could the Selectboard assure the Police will patrol the area and also that they enforce the 25mph speed limit.

Rainier further stated that the road is very well cared for, and therefore people speed on it.

Chairman Kullgren asked if the public would like larger signs, located in more prominent areas.

Ellis commented that Road Agent, Fox recommended to Chief of Police, Brian Giammarino have the police spend approximately ½ hour on roads and find out who the people are that are speeding.

Cavender Road resident, Kathy Kozlowski, commented the size of the sign doesn’t matter, people speed.  She offered for the police to sit in her driveway and issue tickets, that is what will stop the speeding.

Rainier again stated that if the police double-teamed, he might catch the same people twice, within a few minutes.  He understands the town doesn’t get the revenue, but it would drive a message if people began getting ticketed.

Dr. Khowe commented there is also a lot of littering

Kullgren asked Khowe if his recommendation was 25 mph

Khowe stated 25 is perfectly ok

Discussion continued –

Kullgren indicated that last time Chief Giammarino was here to discuss this he was supportive, they will discuss this with the Chief and recommend they write tickets, no matter what.

Mr. Knowlton spoke to the stop sign and asked if it could it be repositioned to make people actually stop.  If moved back it would make people stop rather than yield.

Ellis discussed there is a State regulation that indicates where and how street signs can be positioned.

Day discussed putting a sand pile, which would make someone have to slow down to go around the pile.

Discussion followed as to options for policing the area, placement of signs and other options for this problem.

It was discussed that a notice could be sent to all that reside on Cavender Road, that they are put on notice stringent enforcement will be taking place.

Cavender Road resident, Linda Levesque discussed that it is the same cars, everyone knows who they are.

Adams asked if residents catch a plate and give to the police what would happen.

Rainier stated the plate number, vehicle color, make and what the driver looks like is what the police require.  He has provided plate numbers in the past.  It is difficult to obtain all that information when it’s early in the morning, your being cautious for yourself and your animals.

Discussions continued -

Knowlton made another suggestion, if coming from Peterborough area towards Old Bennington Road/Cavender Road; maybe a blind corner sign could be installed.  The sign would be installed on Swamp Road heading towards Cavender Road, possibly slowing people down.

All agreed that was a good suggestion.

Discussed followed as to when the signs could be installed and how many signs could be installed.

With no further discussion, Chairman Kullgren closed the public portion of the hearing.

Motion by Kullgren to reduce the speed limit on Cavender Road to 25 mph.  Seconded by Day & Adams.  

Discussion followed:

This enforcement of this motion will take effect immediately – there will be five 25mph signs, one stop ahead sign and one blind corner sign installed.  Ellis will work with Duffy and try to install them now, however if they are not successful, they will be installed in the spring.  

Rainier commented that as far as the speed limit of 35 mph in Peterborough, there are two handicapped individuals, a church and family located in that area of the road.  Could the Town contact Peterborough and see if they would reduce their speed limit to 25 mph as well.

Rainier’s commented was so noted by the Board, they will see what they can do.

Vote:  (3-0)

No further business the meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.